I'm slightly addicted to shopping. On bad days shopping never fails to turn my mood around and on good days shopping just lifts my mood to a place of pure elation. Money's a little tight right now so I
promised myself that I wasn't going to buy anything substantial until my checking count was a little plumper. Well friends, today I failed massively. I bought the most unnecessary, ridiculous thing ever - sunglasses. I already own at least five pairs of very nice, fully functional sunglasses - plainly put, sunglasses were the
last thing I should have spent my money on today. But when I saw the Oliver Peoples Harlot sunglasses on Gilt this morning, I knew I wasn't going to be able to resist. I have an uncanny ability to justify any purchase I make, no matter how ridiculous the purchase appears to be on its face. Sunglasses? Of course I need sunglasses! I live in California so this summer I'll wear sunglasses
every single day. And the Harlot style? Classic! I'll wear these sunglasses for the rest of my life. So really, this purchase wasn't impulsive, it was a total investment...right? What "investments" have you made lately?
I am completely obsessed with Oliver Peoples (they make Michael Westin's iconic "Burn Notice" sunglasses), but I must admit that sunglasses are one thing on which I don't think I could ever splurge... I tend to lose or break about two pairs a year! Yours, however, are positively GORGEOUS, and they would most def cause me to reconsider my stance!
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