Sunday, July 18, 2010

Surviving Summer

I’ve never been a fan of the Summer season. I much prefer Fall and Winter with their warm drinks, cool temperatures, abundance of sweaters and boots, and (of course) fabulous holidays. My boyfriend, on the other hand, is a Summer aficionado. Because of his love for these three sweltering hot months, I’ve really tried to turn over a new leaf and learn to love this season. Here are a few things slowly changing my mind about summertime -

summer dress

Summer Dresses. I love being able to throw on a sun dress (like this one from J Crew), sandals, a pair of earrings and walk out the door. The simplicity of summer clothes and getting dressed during the summer months really can’t be beat.

ice cream

Ice Cream. I could eat it for every meal (specifically, mint chocolate chip and cookies & cream).

nail polish

Bright Nail Colors. I’ve had so much fun this summer trying out all of Essie’s brightest shades. From Turquoise & Caicos (which I’m wearing now and love) to Bermuda Shorts, I'm eager to try them all before the darker, duller nail colors of Fall and Winter take over.


The Beach. On one of our first weekends in Orange County, my boyfriend and I ventured to an amazing dog beach in Huntington Beach. If summer clothes, cool treats, and fun nail colors don’t turn me into a summer enthusiast, the beach just might.


Summertime Cocktails. There’s really nothing better on a summer day than sitting in the sun sipping on a cool, refreshing summer-appropriate cocktail. Sadly, studying for the Bar exam has temporarily severed my relationship with alcohol in all its forms. However, you better bet that my first day of freedom will be spend indulging in a summer drink.

1 comment:

  1. These are some of my favorite things about summer as well! Tossing on an easy dress is so fabulous, and bright, punchy pedicures are so fun to show off in summer sandals.
    xo Josie
