Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Push Present


When a woman gives birth she often receives what is known as a “push present” from the new baby’s father. According to Wikipedia, this present is given as a thank you to the woman for bearing the burden of carrying a child for nine months followed by hours of grueling labor. Let me preface what I’m about to say next with this – I’m not comparing the Bar exam to giving birth (there’s no comparison, obvi). That said, shouldn’t Bar examinees get a “push present” of sorts for bearing the burden of Law School for three years followed by three months of intensive bar prep and another three miserably long days of test taking? I think so. The beautiful Elizabeth and James Charm Sandal pictured above (and purchased on Hautelook for $192 less than retail price – click the link in the right sidebar for a Hautelook invitation) is my push present to myself – I hope they fit!


  1. You absolutely deserve a treat, my dear! Do it guiltlessly, okay?
    xo Josie

  2. I wish I'd thought of that when I took the bar - although I did go out and have a shopping spree when I found out that I'd passed.

    Those are the cutest shoes! They will be fabulous!
