Saturday, July 17, 2010

Catching My Attention

I’m not going to subject you all to my ramblings about the Bar exam – my blog shouldn’t be a place for such misery.  I will say, however, that I’ve spent a lot of time of late trapped behind my desk attempting to cram more information into my brain than I ever thought possible. The monotony of studying and the anxiety I’m now feeling on an almost hourly basis leave little time during the day for anything enjoyable. However, there are a few things that I indulge in almost daily that never cease to put a smile on my face –


Frostings Cupcakes. I’m so lucky to have a wonderfully supportive boyfriend – he listens to me complain (a LOT) about studying, listens to my concerns about taking the exam, calms me during my many panic-induced anxiety attacks, and surprises me with Frostings Cupcakes on the days I need  them most :) I discovered Frostings a few weeks ago while suffering from a pretty strong cupcake craving and Frostings did not disappoint. The red velvet is amazing – I could easily eat one (or five) a day without pause. Also, Frostings is conveniently located a few minutes from boyfriend’s office – fate? I think so!

golden spoon

Golden Spoon. The boyfriend and I have been frequent visitors of Golden Spoon since first discovering it a few months ago. All of the flavors are amazing but my favorite might have to be the Peanut Butter Cup (with marshmallows on top, of course).

dog dudDoggie Duds. If you follow me on Twitter (which you should!) you know that I recently took my two pups to a much needed grooming appointment. Now that their hair is shorter I have such an urge to dress them and cannot wait until the temperatures drop. My favorite online shop to troll is Doggie Couture Shop. I ordered this Juicy hoodie from them earlier this year and was very satisfied with the service and selection. Watch out pups – momma’s coming with polos and printed t’s!


Bethanny Getting Married . I freakin’ l ove Bethanny, enough said.


  1. Who DOESN'T love the amazingness that is Bethanny? And that cupcake looks SO good right now. Good luck on your exam, my dear -- I know you'll be amazing!
    xo Josie

  2. Love the cupcakes and Bethenny too! Her show is hysterical!!
